
Canned Fit

Canned Fits Live program is hard to categorize: Somehow catchy experimental music? A very rough and bulky kind of pop? Or is it even a challenging one-women show for the avant-garde wedding where one dances IDM ?
Canned Fit, (aka Christine Schörkhuber) is influenced by singer/ songwriting, dance music, garage punk, New Music, experimental electronics and muzak – but above all by listening closely to the constant sound of the world and its people all around.

Circuit-bending, motorized cans, sounding stovepipes, machines, metal, glass, pottery shards, stone, electronic constructions and minimalistic instrumental melodies are as well part of her peculiar sound aesthetics as drones, feedback, field recordings, intricate beats and of course her special voice.
Her electronic interfaces are built by herself.

Canned Fit performed at various international festivals, clubs and art spaces and was selected for the New Austrian Sound of Music Programme for 2014/15.

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